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New Milford Public School District - NJ

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School Closing/Delayed Opening Information

Information about school closings, delayed openings, and early dismissals is conveyed through an emergency notification system.  If you are not receiving messages from the District, please contact your school's main office to provide current contact information.


When an EARLY DISMISSAL is announced, the school day ends at the following times:

New Milford High School:  12:19 PM

David E. Owens Middle School:  12:23 PM

Berkley Street and B.F Gibbs Elementary Schools:  12:35 PM

When a DELAYED OPENING is announced, the school day begins at the following times:

New Milford High School:  10:00 AM

David E. Owens Middle School:  10:15 AM

Berkley Street and B.F Gibbs Elementary Schools:  10:25 AM

In the event of a  delayed school opening, lunch will still be served. Individual building schedules for delayed school openings and short session days will be given to parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year.

If weather conditions worsen during the early morning hours, a subsequent notification will indicate that schools are closed for the day. You may dial 201.261.2952 between 6:30am and 8:30am for an informational message concerning a delayed opening. Any questions should be directed to your building principal.

It is important that parents/guardians advise their child’s school's Main Office of any change in contact information. 


Emergency school closings will also be broadcast on News 12 New Jersey and by logging onto and clicking on the school closing link. Lastly, school closings will be announced by dialing 201.261.2952.

Residents are instructed NOT to contact the local police department.