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New Milford Public School District - NJ

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HIB Policy

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

The New Milford Public Schools is committed to the physical and emotional safety of our students. We believe that every student has the right to thrive in a learning community where he or she feels safe from threats of harassment, intimidation and bullying. To this end, the New Milford School District prohibits any acts motivated by harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB) based on real or perceived characteristics as defined by the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights.  We expect all members of our school community to abide by our district's HIB Policy and encourage each to report incidences of harassment, intimidation or bullying by completing an HIB Incident Form.

HIB Coordinator

Dorene Zacher is the Student Assistance Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Coordinator for the New Milford Public School District. Over the years, she has assisted adolescents and their families address their maladaptive patterns and behaviors regarding chemical addiction, mental health, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. If you would like additional information or schedule a conference, her email is

New Milford School District’s HIB Investigation Team:

New Milford High School: Carina Porr | 201-262-0172x2009 |

David E. Owens Middle School: Catherine Bigwood | 201-265-8661x3009 |

David E. Owens Middle School: Mary Sullivan | 201-265-8661x3011 |

Gibbs Elementary School: Sara Grompone | 201-261-0939x5113 |

Berkley Street Elementary School: Nicole DeGrezia | 201-262-0191x4128 |